pub struct ProjectBulkOperationLock<'a> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a> ProjectBulkOperationLock<'a>


pub fn lock(project: &'a mut Project) -> Self


pub fn unlock(self)

Methods from Deref<Target = Project>§


pub fn is_open(&self) -> bool

Check if the project is currently open


pub fn open(&self) -> Result<(), ()>

Open a closed project


pub fn close(&self) -> Result<(), ()>

Close a open project


pub fn id(&self) -> BnString

Get the unique id of this project


pub fn path(&self) -> BnString

Get the path of the project


pub fn name(&self) -> BnString

Get the name of the project


pub fn set_name<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, value: S)

Set the name of the project


pub fn description(&self) -> BnString

Get the description of the project


pub fn set_description<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, value: S)

Set the description of the project


pub fn query_metadata<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, key: S) -> Ref<Metadata>

Retrieves metadata stored under a key from the project


pub fn store_metadata<S: BnStrCompatible>( &self, key: S, value: &Metadata ) -> bool

Stores metadata within the project,

  • key - Key under which to store the Metadata object
  • value - Object to store

pub fn remove_metadata<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, key: S)

Removes the metadata associated with this key from the project


pub fn push_folder(&self, file: &ProjectFolder)


pub fn create_folder_from_path<P, D>( &self, path: P, parent: Option<&ProjectFolder>, description: D ) -> Result<ProjectFolder, ()>

Recursively create files and folders in the project from a path on disk

  • path - Path to folder on disk
  • parent - Parent folder in the project that will contain the new contents
  • description - Description for created root folder

pub fn create_folder_from_path_with_progress<P, D, F>( &self, path: P, parent: Option<&ProjectFolder>, description: D, progress_func: F ) -> Result<ProjectFolder, ()>

Recursively create files and folders in the project from a path on disk

  • path - Path to folder on disk
  • parent - Parent folder in the project that will contain the new contents
  • description - Description for created root folder
  • progress_func - Progress function that will be called

pub fn create_folder<N, D>( &self, parent: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D ) -> Result<ProjectFolder, ()>

Recursively create files and folders in the project from a path on disk

  • parent - Parent folder in the project that will contain the new folder
  • name - Name for the created folder
  • description - Description for created folder

pub unsafe fn create_folder_unsafe<N, D, I>( &self, parent: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, id: I ) -> Result<ProjectFolder, ()>

Recursively create files and folders in the project from a path on disk

  • parent - Parent folder in the project that will contain the new folder
  • name - Name for the created folder
  • description - Description for created folder
  • id - id unique ID

pub fn folders(&self) -> Result<Array<ProjectFolder>, ()>

Get a list of folders in the project


pub fn folder_by_id<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, id: S) -> Option<ProjectFolder>

Retrieve a folder in the project by unique folder id


pub fn delete_folder(&self, folder: &ProjectFolder) -> Result<(), ()>

Recursively delete a folder from the project

  • folder - Folder to delete recursively

pub fn delete_folder_with_progress<F>( &self, folder: &ProjectFolder, progress_func: F ) -> Result<(), ()>
where F: FnMut(usize, usize) -> bool,

Recursively delete a folder from the project

  • folder - Folder to delete recursively
  • progress_func - Progress function that will be called as objects get deleted

pub fn push_file(&self, file: &ProjectFile)


pub fn create_file_from_path<P, N, D>( &self, path: P, folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project from a path on disk

  • path - Path on disk
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file

pub fn create_file_from_path_with_progress<P, N, D, F>( &self, path: P, folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, progress_func: F ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project from a path on disk

  • path - Path on disk
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file
  • progress_func - Progress function that will be called as the file is being added

pub unsafe fn create_file_from_path_unsafe<P, N, D, I>( &self, path: P, folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, id: I, creation_time: SystemTime ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project from a path on disk

  • path - Path on disk
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file
  • id - id unique ID
  • creation_time - Creation time of the file

pub unsafe fn create_file_from_path_with_progress_unsafe<P, N, D, I, F>( &self, path: P, folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, id: I, creation_time: SystemTime, progress_func: F ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project from a path on disk

  • path - Path on disk
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file
  • id - id unique ID
  • creation_time - Creation time of the file
  • progress_func - Progress function that will be called as the file is being added

pub fn create_file<N, D>( &self, contents: &[u8], folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project

  • contents - Bytes of the file that will be created
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file

pub fn create_file_with_progress<N, D, F>( &self, contents: &[u8], folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, progress_func: F ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project

  • contents - Bytes of the file that will be created
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file
  • progress_func - Progress function that will be called as the file is being added

pub unsafe fn create_file_unsafe<N, D, I>( &self, contents: &[u8], folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, id: I, creation_time: SystemTime ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project

  • contents - Bytes of the file that will be created
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file
  • id - id unique ID
  • creation_time - Creation time of the file

pub unsafe fn create_file_with_progress_unsafe<N, D, I, F>( &self, contents: &[u8], folder: Option<&ProjectFolder>, name: N, description: D, id: I, creation_time: SystemTime, progress_func: F ) -> Result<ProjectFile, ()>

Create a file in the project

  • contents - Bytes of the file that will be created
  • folder - Folder to place the created file in
  • name - Name to assign to the created file
  • description - Description to assign to the created file
  • id - id unique ID
  • creation_time - Creation time of the file
  • progress_func - Progress function that will be called as the file is being added

pub fn files(&self) -> Result<Array<ProjectFile>, ()>

Get a list of files in the project


pub fn file_by_id<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, id: S) -> Option<ProjectFile>

Retrieve a file in the project by unique id


pub fn file_by_path<S: BnStrCompatible>(&self, path: S) -> Option<ProjectFile>

Retrieve a file in the project by the path on disk


pub fn delete_file(&self, file: &ProjectFile) -> bool

Delete a file from the project

Trait Implementations§


impl Drop for ProjectBulkOperationLock<'_>


fn drop(&mut self)

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

impl Deref for ProjectBulkOperationLock<'_>


type Target = Project

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target

Dereferences the value.

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.